Fire prevention plan elements

Your company probably already has an adequate EAP/FPP, but the following elements may provide ideas for additional safety features not included in your basic plan. It is important to list in detail the procedures to be taken by employees who will remain behind to care for essential plant operations until their evacuation becomes absolutely necessary. Essential plant operations may include:
  • Monitoring plant power supplies, water supplies, and other essential services which cannot be shut down for every emergency alarm.
  • Chemical or manufacturing processes which must be shut down in stages or steps where certain employees must be present to assure that safe shut down procedures are completed.
Include floor plans or workplace maps which clearly show the emergency escape routes. Color coding will aid employees in determining their route assignments. Develop and explain in detail what rescue and medical first aid duties are to be performed and by whom. Train all employees what actions they are to take in emergency situations that may occur in the workplace.

Emergency evacuation

At the time of a fire emergency, employees should know what type of evacuation is necessary and what their role is in carrying out the plan.
  • Total and immediate evacuation.
  • Partial evacuation of nonessential employees with a delayed evacuation of others.
  • Only those employees in the immediate area of the fire may be expected to evacuate or move to a safe area, such as when a local application fire suppression system discharge employee alarm is sounded.

Safe areas

Designated refuge or safe areas for evacuation should be determined and identified in the plan. In a building divided into fire zones by fire walls, the refuge area may still be within the same building but in a different zone from where the emergency occurs.
Exterior refuge or safe areas may include parking lots, open fields, or streets which are located away from the site of the emergency and which provide sufficient space to accommodate the employees. Employees should be instructed to move away from the exit discharge doors of the building, and to avoid congregating close to the building where they may hamper emergency operations.

Evacuation wardens

Plan for an adequate number of employees to be available at all times during working hours to act as evacuation wardens to guide employees from the danger location to the safe areas. Generally, one warden for each twenty employees in the workplace should be able to provide adequate guidance and instruction at the time of a fire emergency.
The employees selected or who volunteer to serve as wardens should be trained in the complete workplace layout and the various alternative escape routes from the workplace. All wardens and fellow employees need to know about handicapped employees who may need extra assistance, such as using the buddy system, and of hazardous areas to be avoided during emergencies.
Before leaving, wardens should check rooms and other enclosed spaces in the workplace for employees who may be trapped or otherwise unable to evacuate the area. After the desired degree of evacuation is completed, the wardens should be able to account for or otherwise verify that all employees are in the safe areas.

Coordinating evacuation plans

In buildings with several places of employment, coordinate your plans with the other employers in the building. A building-wide or standardized plan for the whole building is acceptable, provided that all employers inform their employees of their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
The standardized plan need not be kept by each employer in the multi-employer building, provided there is an accessible location within the building where the plan can be reviewed by all employees. When multi-employer building-wide plans are not feasible, coordinate your plan with the other employers in the building to assure that conflicts and confusion are avoided during times of emergencies. In multi-story buildings where more than one employer is on a single floor, it is essential that employers coordinate their plans with each other to avoid conflicts and confusion.

Housekeeping safety factors

Proper housekeeping is essential to control the of accumulation of flammable and combustible waste materials which can lead to a fast developing fire, rapid spread of toxic smoke, or an explosion. Employees need to be aware of the hazardous properties of materials in their workplaces and the degree of hazard each poses.
Certainly oil soaked rags have to be treated differently than general paper trash in office areas. However, large accumulations of waste paper or corrugated boxes can pose a significant fire hazard. Accumulations of materials which can cause large fires or generate dense smoke that are easily ignited or may start from spontaneous combustion must be controlled. Such combustible materials may be easily ignited by matches, welder’s sparks, cigarettes and similar low level energy ignition sources.

Equipment maintenance

Workplaces often contain equipment to control heat sources or to detect fuel leaks, such as temperature limit switches on deep-fat food fryers found in restaurants. There may be similar switches for high temperature dip tanks, or flame failure and flashback arrester devices on furnaces and similar heat producing equipment. If these devices are not properly maintained or if they become inoperative, a definite fire hazard exists.
Employees and supervisors should be aware of the specific type of control devices on equipment involved with combustible materials in the workplace and should make sure, through periodic inspection or testing, that these controls are operable. Manufacturers’ recommendations should be followed to assure proper maintenance procedures.

Fire Prevention Plans (FPPs)

A fire prevention plan is a hazard prevention plan that assures advanced planning for evacuations in fire and other emergencies. An FPP is a written document required by a particular OSHA standard. Elements of a fire plan would include:
  • A list of major workplace fire hazards and their proper handling and storage procedures, potential ignition sources, their control procedures, and the type of fire protection equipment or systems which can control a fire.
  • Names or job titles of those persons responsible for maintaining equipment and systems installed to prevent or control ignition of fires.
  • Names or job titles of those persons responsible for controlling fuel source hazards.

Incipient stage fires

When a fire is in the initial stage or beginning stage and can be controlled or extinguished by portable fire extinguishers or Class II standpipe or small hose systems without the need for protective clothing or breathing apparatus, it is called an incipient stage fire. When a fire goes beyond the incipient stage, outside help is almost always necessary.
Employers are generally required to provide portable fire extinguishing equipment for use in fighting incipient state fires in the workplace. However, there are several options to use regarding workplace fires.
  • Evacuate all employees to a safe place.
  • Evacuate all employees except those designated to use portable fire extinguishers.
Some insurance companies or local fire departments may require employers to keep portable fire extinguishers in the workplace, even though the employer does not want employees to fight fires and has a total evacuation policy in place. In this case, the extinguishers must be routinely maintained, inspected, and tested.

Fire fighting options

Employers are generally required to provide portable fire extinguishing equipment for use in fighting incipient stage fires in the workplace. Section 1910.157, however, provides alternatives for employers who do not want their employees to fight incipient stage fires in the workplace. Employers that opt for the evacuation of all or most employees to a safe area do not have to comply with certain requirements of §1910.157, depending on the option chosen. These options are:

Evacuate all employees

The employer chooses to evacuate all employees to safety when a fire occurs. Employers that select this option do not have to comply with 1910.157 unless a specific standard in part 1910 requires that portable Revision 4/03 fire extinguishers be provided. If this option is selected, compliance with §§1910.38 and 1910.39 is required through §1910.157(b)(1).

Evacuate some employees

The employer chooses to evacuate all employees except those designated to use portable fire extinguishers. Employers that select this option need not comply with the distribution requirements of §1910.157(d). This option allows the employer to distribute extinguishers so that they are available to the employees who have been designated to fight incipient stage fires. If this option is selected, compliance with §1910.38 is required through §1910.157(b)(2).

Have fire extinguishers but evacuate all employees

Some employers keep portable fire extinguishers in the workplace, even though they do not want employees fighting fires and have a policy for total evacuation. Portable fire extinguishers may be required in the workplace by other organizations such as insurance companies or local fire departments. Portable fire extinguishers that are not intended for employee use may still pose a hazard if they are not properly maintained. Employers who select this option must comply only with the maintenance, inspection, and testing requirements in paragraphs (e) and (f) of §1910.157.

All employees fight fires

Employers who do not select any of these options but instead provide portable fire extinguishers for use by any employee to use in fighting incipient stage fires must comply with §1910.157 in its entirety. Employers that provide portable fire extinguishers for employee use must provide an educational program to familiarize then with the general principles of fire extinguisher use. Those employees expected to use portable fire extinguishers must receive “hands on” training in the use of the fire extinguishing equipment. If the Revision 4/03 employer chooses to comply with all of §1910.157, there is no requirement to comply with §1910.38 or §1910.39.

OSHA standards requiring FPPs

  1. Ethylene Oxide, §1910.1047
  2. Methylenedianiline - §1910.1050
  3. 1,3-Butadiene - §1910.1051

Employee training | Emergency Action Plans (EAPs)

Revision 4/03 OSHA requires that employers train designated employees to assist in the safe and orderly evacuation of other employees. Educate all employees about the types of emergencies that may occur and train them in the proper course of action. The size of the workplace and workforce, processes used, materials handled, and the availability of onsite or outside resources will determine training requirements. Be sure all employees understand the function and elements of the emergency action plan, including types of potential emergencies, reporting procedures, alarm systems, evacuation plans, and shutdown procedures. Discuss any special onsite hazards such as flammable materials, toxic chemicals, radioactive sources, or water-reactive substances. Clearly communicate who will be in charge during an emergency to minimize confusion.
General employee training should address:
  • Individual roles and responsibilities;
  • Threats, hazards, and protective actions;
  • Notification, warning, and communications procedures;
  • Means for locating family members in an emergency;
  • Emergency response procedures;
  • Evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures;
  • Location and use of common emergency equipment; and
  • Emergency shutdown procedures.
You also may wish to train your employees in first aid procedures, including protection against bloodborne pathogens; respiratory protection, including use of an escape-only respirator; and methods for preventing unauthorized access to the site.
Once you have reviewed the emergency action plan with employees and everyone has had the proper training, it is a good idea to hold practice drills as often as necessary to keep employees prepared. Include outside resources such as fire and police departments when possible. After each drill, gather management and employees to evaluate the effectiveness of the drill. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the plan and work to improve it.

Employee refresher training

Revision 4/03 Review the plan with all employees and consider implementing annual training in the plan (annual refresher training, however, is not required by OSHA). Also offer training when you:
  • Develop the initial plan;
  • Hire new employees;
  • Introduce new equipment, materials, or processes into the workplace that affect evacuation routes;
  • Change the layout or design of the facility; and
  • Revise or update your emergency procedures.

role of coordinators and evacuation wardens during an emergency

When drafting an emergency action plan, select a responsible individual to lead and coordinate your emergency plan and evacuation. It is critical that employees know who the coordinator is and understand that person has the authority to make decisions during emergencies.
The coordinator should be responsible for the following:
  • Assessing the situation to determine whether an emergency exists requiring activation of your emergency procedures;
  • Supervising all efforts in the area, including evacuating personnel;
  • Coordinating outside emergency services, such as medical aid and local fire departments, and ensuring that they are available and notified when necessary; and
  • Directing the shutdown of plant operations when required.
You also may find it beneficial to coordinate the action plan with other employers when several employers share the worksite, although OSHA standards do not specifically require this.
In addition to a coordinator, designate evacuation wardens to help move employees from danger to safe areas during an emergency. Generally, one warden for every 20 employees should be adequate, and the appropriate number of wardens should be available at all times during working hours.
Employees designated to assist in emergency evacuation procedures should be trained in the complete workplace layout and various alternative escape routes. All employees and those designated to assist in emergencies should be made aware of employees with special needs who may require extra assistance, how to use the buddy system, and hazardous areas to avoid during an emergency evacuation.

What to include in an emergency action plan | EAP

When developing an emergency action plan, it’s a good idea to look at a wide variety of potential emergencies that could occur in the workplace. It should be tailored to your worksite and include information about all potential sources of emergencies. Developing an emergency action plan means you should do a hazard assessment to determine what, if any, physical or chemical hazards in your workplaces could cause an emergency. If you have more than one worksite, each site should have an emergency action plan.
At a minimum, the emergency action plan must include the following:
  • A preferred method for reporting fires and other emergencies;
  • An evacuation policy and procedure;
  • Emergency escape procedures and route assignments, such as floor plans, workplace maps, and safe or refuge areas;

  • Names, titles, departments, and telephone numbers of individuals both within and outside your company to contact for additional information or explanation of duties and responsibilities under the emergency plan;
  • Procedures for employees who remain to perform or shut down critical plant operations, operate fire extinguishers, or perform other essential services that cannot be shut down for every emergency alarm before evacuating; and
  • Rescue and medical duties for any workers designated to perform them.
You also may want to consider designating an assembly location and procedures to account for all employees after an evacuation.
In addition, although they are not specifically required by OSHA, you may find it helpful to include in your plan the following:
  • The site of an alternative communications center to be used in the event of a fire or explosion; and
  • A secure on- or offsite location to store originals or duplicate copies of accounting records, legal documents, your employees’ emergency contact lists, and other essential records.

Emergency Action Plans (EAPs)

Nobody expects an emergency or disaster — especially one that affects them, their employees, and their business personally. Yet the simple truth is that emergencies and disasters can strike anyone, anytime, and anywhere. You and your employees could be forced to evacuate your company when you least expect it. The best way to protect yourself, your workers, and your business is to expect the unexpected and develop a well-thoughtout emergency action plan to guide you when immediate action is necessary.

Workplace emergency

A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens your employees, customers, or the public; disrupts or shuts down your operations; or causes physical or environmental damage. Emergencies may be natural or manmade and include the following:
  • Floods,
  • Hurricanes,
  • Tornadoes,
  • Fires,
  • Toxic gas releases,
  • Chemical spills,
  • Radiological accidents,
  • Explosions,
  • Civil disturbances, and
  • Workplace violence resulting in bodily harm and trauma.
The best way is to prepare to respond to an emergency before it happens. Few people can think clearly and logically in a crisis, so it is important to do so in advance, when you have time to be thorough.
Brainstorm the worst-case scenarios. Ask yourself what you would do if the worst happened. What if a fire broke out in your boiler room? Or a hurricane hit your building head-on? Or a train carrying hazardous waste derailed while passing your loading dock? Once you have identified potential emergencies, consider how they would affect you and your workers and how you would respond.

Emergency action plan

An emergency action plan covers designated actions employers and employees must take to ensure employee safety from fire and other emergencies. Even if you are not specifically required to do so, compiling an emergency action plan is a good way to protect yourself, your employees, and your business during an emergency.
Putting together a comprehensive emergency action plan that deals with all types of issues specific to your worksite is not difficult.
You may find it beneficial to include the management team and employees in the process. Explain your goal of protecting lives and property in the event of an emergency, and ask for their help in establishing and implementing the emergency action plan. Their commitment and support are critical to the plan’s success.

Revision 12/06 Emergency action plan

Revision 12/06Purpose

____________ is dedicated to the protection of its employees from emergencies such as tornadoes and fires. When emergencies do occur, our Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is initiated. This EAP is in place to ensure employee safety from emergencies during regular hours and after hours. It provides a written document detailing and organizing the actions and procedures to be followed by employees in case of a workplace emergency.
OSHA’s Emergency Action Plan requirements, found at 1910.38, requires our company to have a written Emergency Action Plan (EAP). This plan applies to all operations in our company where employees may encounter an emergency situation.
The EAP communicates to employees, policies and procedures to follow in emergencies. This written plan is available, upon request, to employees, their designated representatives, and any OSHA officials who ask to see it.

Revision 12/06Administrative duties

____________ is the EAP administrator, who has overall responsibility for the plan. This responsibility includes the following:
  1. Developing and maintaining a written Emergency Action Plan for regular and after hours work conditions;
  2. Notifying the proper rescue and law enforcement authorities, and the building owner/ superintendent in the event of an emergency affecting the facility;
  3. Taking security measures to protect employees;
  4. Integrating the Emergency Action Plan with any existing general emergency plan covering the building or work area occupied;
  5. Distributing procedures for reporting emergencies, the location of safe exits, and evacuation routes to each employee;
  6. Conducting drills to acquaint employees with emergency procedures and to judge the effectiveness of the plan;
  7. Training designated employees in emergency response such as the use of fire extinguishers and the application of first aid;
  8. Deciding which emergency response to initiate (evacuate or not);
  9. Ensuring that equipment is placed and locked in storage rooms or desks for protection;
  10. Maintaining records and property as necessary; and
  11. Ensuring that our facility meets all local fire codes, building codes, and regulations.
____________ is responsible for reviewing and updating the plan as necessary. Copies of this plan may be obtained from ____________.
____________ has full authority to decide to implement the EAP if an emergency threatens human health. The following potential emergencies might reasonably be expected at this facility and thus call for the implementation of this EAP: ____________.
The following personnel can be contacted regarding further information about the written Emergency Action Plan or an explanation of duties under this plan: ____________.
Key management personnel home telephone numbers are kept in ____________ for immediate use in the event of an emergency. These telephone numbers include:
  • Key management member: ____________.
  • Telephone number: ____________.
  • Cell/wireless number: ____________.
These contact numbers have been distributed to the following persons to be retained in their homes for use in communicating an emergency occurring during non-work hours:
  • Name: ____________.
  • Title: ____________.
Our facility houses several places of employment, so we have set up a building-wide EAP including all employers in the building. ____________ has informed its employees of their duties and responsibilities under the plan. The standardized plan is kept by ____________ and is accessible by affected employees at ____________.
We encourage suggestions to improve the plan because we are committed to its success. We strive for clear understanding, safe behavior, and involvement in the program from every level of the company.

Revision 12/06Alarms

Different emergencies require different alarms to indicate what actions employees should take. Our company has established an employee alarm system. We have fewer than 10 employees, therefore we use direct voice communication as our means for alarming employees of an emergency. We will use the tornado alarm to warn employees of tornado ____________.
Because we use a communication system as an alarm system, all emergency messages have priority over all non-emergency messages.
We have posted the following emergency telephone numbers near telephones, or emergency notice boards, and other conspicuous locations for use when telephones serve as a means of reporting emergencies:
  • Emergency responder: _____________.
  • Telephone number: _____________.

Revision 12/06Emergency reporting and weather monitoring procedures

Evacuation emergency: When employees detect an emergency that requires an evacuation, such as a fire or hazardous release, they should ____________. ____________ will notify the ____________ Fire Department.
Our backup method for reporting emergencies that require evacuation includes the following: ____________.
Tornado emergency: We monitor tornadoes by ____________.
Our backup method for monitoring tornadoes includes the following: ____________.
Other emergency reporting or weather monitoring procedures include: ____________.

Revision 12/06Evacuation procedures

Some emergencies may require evacuation or escape procedures, while others require employees to stay indoors, or in a safe area. Our emergency escape procedures are designed to respond to many potential emergencies, depending on the degree of seriousness. Nothing in these procedures precludes the Plan Administrator’s authority in determining whether employees should remain inside or evacuate.
At this company, the following types of emergency evacuations exist: ____________.
Our emergency evacuation procedures and assignments are designed to respond to many potential emergencies that require them, including: ____________.
Employees need to know what to do if they are alerted to a specific emergency. After an alarm is sounded to evacuate, employees should take the following steps: ____________.
See the appendices to this plan for the building plans with exit route assignments for each group evacuating an area or building.
Once evacuated, employees are to move directly to their designated exterior or safe area, where a head count will be performed, and further instructions given. Following is a list of exterior refuges/safe zones:
  • Departmental group: __________.
  • Designated safe area: __________.
  • Head count responsibility: __________.

Revision 12/06Procedures to account for employees

Trained evacuation personnel assist in safe and orderly evacuation for all types of emergencies that require evacuation. Once evacuation is complete, they conduct head counts. The employees selected are trained in the complete workplace layout and the various alternative escape routes from the workplace.
Before leaving, these employees check rooms and other enclosed spaces in the workplace for employees who may be trapped or otherwise unable to evacuate the area. Trained and authorized personnel are:
  • Name/title: ____________.
  • Department: ____________.
  • Shift: ____________.
This list indicates a sufficient number of employees who have been designated by the company and trained to direct and assist in safe and orderly emergency evacuation; provide guidance and instruction for all types of emergency situations; be aware of employees with special needs who may require extra assistance; use the buddy system, and avoid hazardous areas during an emergency evacuation.
The list of trained personnel includes at least one person from every area for every shift. This means that every trained evacuation person is responsible for seeing to approximately ____________ evacuated employees. The trained personnel also serve as a resource of information about emergency procedures and conduct head counts once evacuation is complete.
Frontline supervisors must be aware of the locations of those employees working on a particular day when an emergency occurs, as well as suppliers, customers, and other non-employees on the premises, when an emergency occurs, and be aware of who is absent or otherwise away from the premises.
Accounting for employees and non-employees will aid local responding fire/rescue departments in determining whether rescue efforts are necessary. We have described each frontline supervisor’s employee/non-employees tracking method below:
  • Name of supervisor: ____________.
  • Department: ____________.
  • Shift: ____________.
  • Tracking method: ____________.
Each department reports to their respective representative using the following procedure: ____________.
Once each evacuated group of employees have reached their evacuation destinations, each trained evacuation employee:
  • Takes roll of his or her group,
  • Makes sure all persons are accounted for,
  • Reports in to a central checkpoint managed by ____________, and
  • Assumes role of department contact to answer questions.
Head count results should be given to the ____________ Fire Chief or firefighter, if requested.
Other duties provided by the trained personnel during an emergency evacuation include the following: ____________.
No employees are to return to the buildings until advised by ____________ or designee (after determination has been made that such re-entry is safe). If anyone is injured or contaminated, the Plan Administrator will activate rescue and first aid actions. If an emergency incident expands, the EAP Administrator may send employees home by normal means or provide them with transportation to an offsite location.

Revision 12/06Non-evacuation emergency procedures

____________ has the following non-evacuation procedures: ____________.
Tornado emergency: In the event of a tornado, it is corporate policy to provide emergency warning and shelter. Once employees are made aware of a tornado situation, they are to follow these procedures: ____________.
Employees should stay away from windows, but stay inside the building they are in. The following is a table with shelter assignments listed:
  • Group/Department: ____________.
  • Assigned shelter: ____________.
Employees are not to leave the shelter or return to their regular duties until the all clear is given. ____________ will determine when it is safe for employees to leave their tornado shelter and return to work. At that time, the Plan Administrator will ____________.
If anyone is injured or contaminated, the Plan Administrator will activate rescue and first aid actions. If there is structural damage, the Plan Administrator will ____________.

Revision 12/06Critical operations

Our company has critical operations that cannot be shut down for emergencies. These operations include the following: ____________.
The employees who are designated to remain behind during evacuation to care for critical plant operations include the following:
  • Name (or title): ____________.
  • Department: ____________.
  • Plan system operated: ____________.
The procedures to be taken by those employees who have been selected to remain behind to care for essential plant operations until their evacuation becomes absolutely necessary include the following: ____________.

Revision 12/06Plan administrator duties

During an emergency, ____________ will do the following: ____________.

Revision 12/06Rescue and first aid

Rescue and first aid may be necessary during emergency situations. Circumstances calling for rescue and/or first aid include:
  • Circumstances: ____________.
  • Procedures: ____________.
Emergency Response Team (ERT) members are responsible for performing rescue duties in case of an emergency requiring rescue. Members of the ERT include:
  • Name (or title): ____________.
  • Department: ____________.
  • Shift: ____________.
Designated first aid responders are to provide first aid assistance within their capabilities to employees requiring it during emergency situations. Appropriate first aid supplies have been provided. Designated first aid responders include the following individuals:
  • Name (or title): ____________.
  • Department: ____________.
  • Shift: ____________.
Professional emergency services responding in an emergency will help with and direct all rescue and medical duty assignments upon their arrival on site.

Revision 12/06Training

Our Plan Administrator reviews the Emergency Action Plan with each of our employees at the following times:
  • Initially when the plan is developed,
  • Whenever a new employee is hired,
  • Whenever the employee is assigned initially to a job,
  • Whenever an employee’s responsibilities or designated actions under the plan change,
  • Whenever new equipment, materials, or processes are introduced into the workplace,
  • Whenever the layout or design or the facility changes, and
  • Whenever the plan is changed.
The training includes the following: ____________.
The information in this plan is not intended for casual reading, but is intended to get the appropriate message across. We present the material for training in the following manner: ____________.
We communicate the contents of this plan through a briefing delivered by supervisors followed by a demonstration and through a presentation followed by a drill.
____________ performs drills for the following emergencies: ____________.
We hold these drills at least ____________.
After a drill, the Plan Administrator judges the effectiveness of the plan and reviews any employee input concerning the drill. Employees performing the drill may identify something that did not follow procedure or was ineffective.
For example, they may discover doors that would not open; they may enter storage closets instead of exiting; they may get lost and confused or they may carry a suspicious package through the facility. These are the types of things the Plan Administrator needs to hear about after a drill. That way, they can be addressed before a real emergency.

Revision 12/06Emergency equipment and support

Our company provides the following equipment and support for use by our trained personnel during emergencies: ____________.

Revision 12/06Appendices

Employees designated to remain behind to operate critical plant operations during an emergency include the following: ____________.
The types of emergency action plans we have at this facility include the following: ____________.
We have attached the following documents for reference to ensure a better understanding of our written program: ____________.

Hearing Conservation Program | Occupational Noise Exposure


This written hearing conservation plan serves as a record of the details of the hearing conservation program in place at this company. We have this program in place to protect the hearing of all employees in the company. Elements of our hearing conservation program include:
  • Monitoring,
  • Audiometric testing program,
  • Hearing protection,
  • Training and information, and
  • Recordkeeping.
______ has overall responsibility for coordinating safety and health programs in this company. ______ is the person having overall responsibility for the Hearing Conservation Program. ______ will review and update the program, as necessary.
Copies of the written program may be obtained from ______.


The monitoring program is in place to provide an ongoing means of determining employee exposure to noise and protect employees based on excessive exposure. When monitoring information indicates that any em-ployee’s exposure equals or exceeds an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, the employee is included in the hearing conservation program.
To determine employee exposure to noise, we use the following type of calibrated equipment: ______. The company notifies all employees exposed at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels of the results of the monitoring by the following method. ____________________________________.
The company provides an opportunity in the following way for affected employees or their representatives to observe any noise measurements conducted: __________________________________________.
Appropriate hearing devices are selected for employees in the Hearing Conservation Program by the following method: ___________________________________________________________________.
Monitoring is repeated whenever a change in production, process, equipment, or controls increases noise exposures to the extent that either additional employees may be exposed at or above the action level or the attenuation provided by hearing protectors being used by employees may be rendered inadequate to meet the requirements of noise reduction.
The audiometric testing program is in place and available at no cost to all affected employees to ensure that noise exposures are kept at proper levels.

Audiometric testing

The program ensures that a valid baseline audiogram is established for exposed employees within six months of their first exposure (or within one year if mobile vans are used, with employees wearing hearing protection for any period exceeding six months) by the following method: ______________________________.
Audiometric testing is repeated __________________________________________________.
The company determines if a standard threshold shift (STS) has occurred by ________________________.
If subsequent audiometric testing of an employee whose exposure to noise is less than an 8-hour TWA of 90 decibels indicates that a standard threshold shift is not persistent, the company informs the employee of the new audiometric interpretation by ______________________________________________________ and discontinues the required use of hearing protectors for that employee.

Hearing protection

The company makes hearing protectors available to all employees exposed to an 8-hour TWA of 85 decibels or greater at no cost to the employees, according to the following procedures: ________________________.
The company ensures the use of available hearing protection by all affected employees by: ____________.
The company ensures that employees have a variety of suitable protectors that attenuate (lower) employee exposure at least to an 8-hour time-weighted average of 90 decibels, or 85 decibels or lower for employees who have experienced a standard threshold shift in their hearing, according to the following method: ______.
Appropriate hearing protectors available for employees to choose from include: __________________.
The company ensures evaluation for adequacy of the hearing protection attenuation for the specific noise environments in which the protector will be used, according to specifications given in an appendix to the standard, by: ____________________________________.
The company reevaluates attenuation whenever employee noise exposures increase to the extent that current hearing protectors no longer provide adequate attenuation, and then provides more effective hearing protection, according to the following method: __________________________________________.

Training and information

______ has a hearing protection training program for all employees exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels.
We ensure employee participation in the hearing protection training program by: __________________.
Copies of the Occupational Noise Exposure standard are available to affected employees or their representatives.We also post copies of the standard in the following location(s): __________________ ______________________________________________________________________.
Refresher training is provided ______. We ensure that the training material is updated to be consistent with changes in the protective equipment and work processes by: ______________________________________.
According to the following method: _______________________________________________, we ensure that each affected employee is informed of at least the following information:
  • The effects of noise on hearing;
  • The purpose of hearing protectors, the advantages, disadvantages, and attenuation of various types, and instructions on selection, fitting, use, and care; and
  • The purpose of audiometric testing, and an explanation of test procedures.
We also make informational materials pertaining to the Occupational Noise Exposure standard that are supplied by OSHA available to affected employees or their representatives by: __________________.


Recordkeeping is an essential element of our Hearing Conservation Program. It is the means by which hearing levels are tracked and assessed over a period of years. ______ has in place measures to maintain comprehensive and up-to-date records.
______ maintains accurate records of:
  • Employee exposure measurements by: ______________________________.
  • Employee audiometric test records by: ______________________________.
The company retains noise exposure measurement records and audiometric test records as required by OSHA. These records are made available to employees, former employees, representatives designated by the individual employee, and OSHA upon request, according to the following method: _________.

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